Don’t worry this is not a big problem, if you want to try at home to solve this problem you can do it. At that time as soon as possible we go to nearest mobile phone service center. While we faced this type of problems I do not know what we do. The common problems are mobile hang problem, pattern lock, forgot user code, apps do not work properly, not enough battery charge etc. However, everybody doesn’t know what is the best mobile on the market. A good way to recognize the best smartphone is high-quality RAM and processor, high-resolution camera and the most important thing are a smartphone company. Because many mobile companies in the market, it is the best mobile phone companies is iPhone, Samsung, Sony, HTC, Huawei etc. This kind of the mobile phone companies Mobile very good quality. But this mobile phone has some common problems, which we are almost to faced.

At present, there is the dream of every mobile user to use a latest smartphone.